VET educational courses

We are committed to supporting veterinary professionals with high-quality educational opportunities. Our courses cover the latest advancements in imaging technology, providing valuable insights and practical skills to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care. Explore our programs and stay at the forefront of veterinary medicine.

April 9 2025, Irving, TX

Small Animal Soft Tissue Immersion Program: Session 1


The objective of this program is for the attendee to become a proficient, confident soft tissue sonographer, by immersing them in soft tissue ultrasound over a 3 month period. The student will be with us for 4 days in session 1, and 3 days in sessions 2 and 3. Each session is approximately 1 month apart. Each session will build upon the prior session. Knobs, measurements, labeling, scan technique of the abdomen, scanning protocol, artifacts, normal and abnormals, disease processes, and aspirate and biopsy technique will be taught. Each session will require accountability in the way of quizzes, and written and practical exams. Case submissions will be required weekly between sessions for critique. Referral to a telemedicine service or specialist may still be necessary, as this is a skill set that requires continuing practice allowing proficiency to become excellence. Fee $3800.

Credit Hours: 24 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online.  The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

April 17 2025, Irving, TX

Soft Tissue Level 1

COURTESY OF: Rita Echandi, DVM, DACVR-Lecture

The objective for this course is for the attendee to leave with the knowledge of how to recognize an ultrasound case, incorporate ultrasound into their practice, and how to create a study for someone to interpret, of the five main abdominal organs. This will be accomplished through learning the basic knobs necessary to create a diagnostic image, how to tweak that image with these knobs, do measurements, and follow a scanning protocol. Recognizing artifacts will be covered, as well as how to quickly assess a trauma case with ultrasound. Hands-on scanning will reinforce the didactic portion, and recognizing normal tissue. Fee $1300.

Credit Hours: 15 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

April 18 2025, Irving, TX

Soft Tissue Level 2

COURTESY OF: Rita Echandi, DVM, DACVR-Lecture

The objective for this course is for the attendee to learn the normal and abnormal appearance of all abdominal organs, including pancreas, adrenal glands, and lymph nodes. In addition, scanning technique, machine controls necessary to create a high quality diagnostic image, measurements, and following a consistent scanning protocol will be emphasized. Hands-on scanning will focus on scan technique, recognition of anatomy, and creating a diagnostic scan. Ultrasound guided aspiration and biopsy technique will be covered, and case studies will be presented. Taught by a Board Certified Veterinary Radiologist. Fee $1600.

Credit Hours: 18 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

April 28-29 2025, Irving, TX

Intensive Abdominal Ultrasound for Specialists


The objective for this course is for the attendee to leave with the knowledge of tweaking image quality, and learning both normal anatomy and appearance, as well as abnormal, and disease processes for the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, GI System, thyroid and vascular. Hands-on scanning will reinforce the didactic portion, and recognizing normal tissue. Fee $3900.

Credit Hours: 40 hours.

Must be a Board Specialist or Resident. When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

May 9-11 2025, Orlando, FL

IN A HEART BEAT It Takes Your Breath Away

COURTESY OF: Augusta Pelosi DVM, DACVS (SA), DACVIM, Marco Ruffato, DVM, DACVAA, CVMA | Anesthesia, Margaret Sleeper, VMD, DACVIM (Cardiology), Elizabeth Rozanski, DVM, DACVIM, (SAIM), DACVECC

The continuing education program, "In a Heart Beat, It Takes Your Breath Away", scheduled for May 9-11 2025, focuses on the important clinical approach to the cardiac and respiratory patient, the acute and chronic presentation, the diagnostic tools with particular emphasis to basic and advanced ultrasound techniques, the management of these patients, and the anesthetic approach, when indicated.

Designed for veterinary professionals, the program will guide the participant through the understanding of cardiac and respiratory pathologies, from the basics to the advanced current knowledge, enabling participants to enhance their skills in managing critical cardiopulmonary conditions while also delivering a hands-on, practical approach to echocardiography.

Led by a distinguished team of experts, Augusta Pelosi, DVM Dipl. ACVIM-SA and Dipl. ACVIM-CARDIO, Marco Ruffato, DVM, Dipl. ACVAA, CVMA-Anesthesia, Margaret Sleeper, VMD, Dipl. ACVIM-CARDIO, Stephan Carey, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM-SAIM and Elizabeth Rozanski, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM-SAIM and Dipl. ACVECC, the program combines classroom-based sessions with laboratory demonstrations. Topics include diagnostic strategies to differentiate cardiac and respiratory conditions in the patient with respiratory distress, decision-making in conditions like congestive heart failure, respiratory failure, and anesthesia considerations for complex cases.

This interactive and expertly guided program equips veterinary professionals with the knowledge to advance ultrasound knowledge and provides hands-on experience needed to improve diagnostic accuracy and elevate patient care in clinical practice.

May 28-30 2025, Irving, TX

Cardiac Level 2: Doppler Echocardiography

COURTESY OF: June Boon, Honorary DACVIM(Cardiology), Sonya Gordon, DVM, DACVIM(Cardiology)

The objective of this course is for the attendee to obtain an accurate and diagnostic echocardiographic study that incorporates color flow and spectral Doppler. All topics will focus on accuracy of the Doppler information and optimizing image quality. Topics covered will include: understanding the physical principles of Doppler echocardiography as it applies to the accuracy and quality of an echocardiographic exam, correct placement of Doppler cursors and gates, recognition of normal and abnormal color flow Doppler, understanding how Doppler aids in the evaluation of common acquired heart disease. Hands-on sessions will focus on equipment controls that affect image quality, image optimization and measurement of the Doppler echocardiogram. Taught by a Boarded Cardiologist. Fee $2300.

Credit Hours: 21 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

June 25-26 2025, Irving, TX

Echo ABC’s of Staging Canine Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease and Feline Cardiomyopathy

COURTESY OF: June Boon, Honorary DACVIM(Cardiology), Sonya Gordon, DVM, DACVIM(Cardiology)

This class is for Veterinarians who want to learn how to perform and interpret a diagnostic echocardiographic study with emphasis on key images and measurements that can be used to accurately diagnose and stage canine myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) and feline cardiomyopathy. It is interactive attendee oriented small group learning, with emphasis on practical content that can be immediately incorporated into their practice. No prior echo experience required. Fee $2300.

Credit Hours: 19 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount. 

July 23 2025, Irving, TX

Soft Tissue Level 1

COURTESY OF: Rita Echandi, DVM, DACVR-Lecture

The objective for this course is for the attendee to leave with the knowledge of how to recognize an ultrasound case, incorporate ultrasound into their practice, and how to create a study for someone to interpret, of the five main abdominal organs. This will be accomplished through learning the basic knobs necessary to create a diagnostic image, how to tweak that image with these knobs, do measurements, and follow a scanning protocol. Recognizing artifacts will be covered, as well as how to quickly assess a trauma case with ultrasound. Hands-on scanning will reinforce the didactic portion, and recognizing normal tissue. Fee $1300.    

Credit Hours: 15 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

July 24 2025, Irving, TX

Soft Tissue Level 2

COURTESY OF: Rita Echandi, DVM, DACVR-Lecture

The objective for this course is for the attendee to learn the normal and abnormal appearance of all abdominal organs, including pancreas, adrenal glands, and lymph nodes. In addition, scanning technique, machine controls necessary to create a high quality diagnostic image, measurements, and following a consistent scanning protocol will be emphasized. Hands-on scanning will focus on scan technique, recognition of anatomy, and creating a diagnostic scan. Ultrasound guided aspiration and biopsy technique will be covered, and case studies will be presented. Taught by a Board Certified Veterinary Radiologist. Fee $1600.

Credit Hours: 18 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

July 25-26 2025, Irving, TX

Soft Tissue Level 3 Taking it up a Notch


The objective for this class is for the student to take their abdominal scanning skills to the next level. In depth discussion of hepatobiliary disease, vasculature evaluation with Doppler, and the search for shunts. The hands-on scanning will encompass: in depth evaluation of the liver, gall bladder, and bile duct, using standard subcostal and intercostal windows. Practice in finding and following the bile ductIn depth evaluation of the canine and feline pancreas. Regional anatomy, including duodenum, stomach, transverse colon, portal vein, and splenic vein will be used to consistently find the pancreas or region of the pancreas. Evaluation of the aorta, portal vein, caudal vena cava, renal arteries, hepatic artery will be practiced, using Doppler (both color and pulsed wave) to assess waveforms, direction and velocity of flow. The portal vein will be evaluated closely for normal flow (direction and velocity) to better evaluate conditions such as portal hypertension. Evaluation of portal vein and caudal vena cava for intra-hepatic and extra-hepatic portosystemic shunts. Evaluation of the thyroid gland. Fee $1600.

Credit Hours: 16 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount. 

August 5 2025, Irving, TX

Small Animal Soft Tissue Immersion Program: Session 1


The objective of this program is for the attendee to become a proficient, confident soft tissue sonographer, by immersing them in soft tissue ultrasound over a 3 month period. The student will be with us for 4 days in session 1, and 3 days in sessions 2 and 3. Each session is approximately 1 month apart. Each session will build upon the prior session. Knobs, measurements, labeling, scan technique of the abdomen, scanning protocol, artifacts, normal and abnormals, disease processes, and aspirate and biopsy technique will be taught. Each session will require accountability in the way of quizzes, and written and practical exams. Case submissions will be required weekly between sessions for critique. Referral to a telemedicine service or specialist may still be necessary, as this is a skill set that requires continuing practice allowing proficiency to become excellence. Fee $3800.

Credit Hours: 24 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount. 

September 18-19 2025, Springfield, MO

Advanced Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

COURTESY OF: Georgette Goorchenko, DVM, MS, DACV Juliette Hart, DVM.MS, DACVSMR, CVA, CCRT

This 2-day course will focus on how ultrasound can make musculoskeletal diagnoses more precisely, accurately, and efficiently and how findings can be applied clinically. This will enable a more targeted treatment approach for patients suffering from soft tissue injuries such as Stifle and Iliopsoas injuries. The course will include lectures, cadaver labs, injection techniques, and hands-on experience with ultrasound.

Credit Hours: RACE approved for 15 credit hours by the AAVSB.

November 17-18 2025, Irving, TX

Cardiac Level 3: Advanced Doppler and 2D Echocardiography – Beyond the Basics

COURTESY OF: June Boon, Honorary ACVIM (Cardiology), Sonya Gordon, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology)

This course will address advanced Doppler techniques and diagnostics. At the conclusion of this course, the attendee should be able to: Evaluate diastolic function as it applies to cardiomyopathies in cats e.g. know how to assess functional diastolic class using pulmonary venous flow, mitral inflow profiles and isovolumic relaxation time. Assess the risk of thrombus development in cats with cardiomyopathy by evaluation of left atrial function assessment using auricular flow and atrial fractional shortening. Evaluate of left ventricular filling pressure and the risk for development of congestive heart failure in dogs using mitral inflow profiles, and isovolumic relaxation time. Diagnose preclinical dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs: evaluation of systolic function beyond fractional shortening and systolic chamber size. Use echocardiographic methods to evaluate for the presence and severity of pulmonary hypertension when there is no tricuspid or pulmonary insufficiency. Attendees should be able to obtain a basic 2D echocardiographic study including right and left sided imaging planes and have working knowledge and experience in color flow and spectral Doppler. Fee $1800.

Credit Hours: 14 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

December 9-10 2025, Irving, TX

Small Animal Cardiac Immersion Program Session 2

COURTESY OF: June Boon, Honorary ACVIM (Cardiology), Sonya Gordon, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology)

This program is designed to meet the growing demand for veterinarians to become competent in the acquisition, measurement, interpretation, and reporting of diagnostic cardiac ultrasound exams in patients with acquired heart disease. Veterinarians will learn how to systematically interpret studies and prepare a comprehensive report. This program is also appropriate for Veterinary Technicians to develop the skills necessary to obtain and measure a complete echocardiographic examination appropriate for review by a supervising veterinarian or reading service. Fee $4700.

Credit Hours: 24 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

January 25-26 2025, Chandler, AZ

Klevens Industries - Basic/Intermediate Abdominal US Course

COURTESY OF: Katie Moore
PROVIDED BY: Klevens Industries/Esaote

Everything a two-day course could! We will spend time going through the complete abdomen covering all major organs as well as GI, pancreas and more. Ultrasound physics will be lightly addressed, and tips and techniques will be shared by our instructors.

Credit Hours: 15 hours of CE credit approved by AZVMA.

February 1-2 2025, Tigard, OR

Klevens Industries - Basic/Intermediate Abdominal US Course

COURTESY OF: Katie Moore
PROVIDED BY: Klevens Industries/Esaote

We will teach abdominal and thoracic focused assessments, pyometras, bladder issues, normal/abnormal intestine and foreign bodies, lymph nodes, pancreas, CKD and much, much more.

Credit Hours: you will receive 16 hours of CE credit for this course, with approval by the Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board.

March 8-10 2025, Irving, TX

Cardiac Level 1: Diagnostic Two Dimensional Cardiac Scanning & Evaluation Accompanied by Common Cardiac Diseases

COURTESY OF: June Boon, Honorary DACVIM (Cardiology), Matthew Miller, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Cardiology)

This course is designed to cover all right sided imaging planes - the core of an echocardiographic examination - as well as the left sided right auricular view. Subjective and objective evaluation of these images are covered. Hands on scanning sessions will teach the scanning technique needed to develop skill in obtaining these echocardiographic imaging planes. At completion of this course the attendee will be able to recognize all right sided imaging planes, understand the principles of obtaining these images, obtain critical measurements and understand their usefulness in the assessment of cardiac disease. This course will also include integration of echocardiography into your practice by covering the diagnosis and management of the most common adult-onset cardiac diseases. Using case material, we will form strategies for diagnosis, staging, and management of these diseases with emphasis on the role of echocardiography. Fee $2300.

Credit Hours: 21 hours.

When registering, click on the Classes tab at the top to read about the different classes, and then click on the Register tab at the top, to sign up online. The pricing on the WAVE website, does not reflect the pricing for Esaote customers. When registering, exit out when it takes you to the payment screen, and WAVE will invoice with the discount.

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