Infiltrative process

Identification and history

  • Name: Cerry
  • Report and medical history: Dog, Miniature Poodle, FS, 5 YY.

The patient was taken to A&E due to poor appetite and despondency. On clinical examination, the dog presents an attitude of false kyphosis, sialorrhoea, and pain on palpation of the abdomen.


Infiltrative process 1

At the level of the middle abdomen, colour Doppler examination indicated the presence of a parenchymatous, vascularised structure. The splenic parenchyma shows millimetric focal, hypo/isoechogenic lesions with blurred margins, not extending beyond the organ profile. The peritoneum appears diffusely hyperechogenic. Minimal layers of anechogenic effusion.

Infiltrative process 2

Hyperechogenic liver parenchyma without structural alterations. Distended gallbladder, severe parietal thickening, anechogenic endoluminal contents intermixed with finely corpusculated hyperechogenic material in suspension, not generating posterior shadow cone, also evident at the level of the common bile duct.

Infiltrative process 3

Mesenteric lymph nodes severely increased in size, hypoechogenic, with increased sphericity index.

Infiltrative process 4

Focal thickening of an intestinal loop, probably of jejunal relevance (7.2 mm), associated with loss of stratigraphic distinction.

Infiltrative process 5

Jejunal loop, mesenteric lymph nodes, peritoneal reactivity, layers of anecogenic effusion evidenced in the examined quadrants.

Images were acquired with MyLab™X90VET ultrasound system.

Conclusions and treatment

The ultrasound picture is compatible with an infiltrative process, probably of neoplastic origin (DD: Lymphoma, Carcinoma). Recommended cytological test for diagnostic purposes.

Signorelli Stefania, DVM, Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan, Italy

Signorelli Stefania, DVM, Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso, Milan, Italy

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