Technical Support
Our structure ensures a correct and comprehensive after-sales service and continuous control of equipment that ensures maximum functionality, allowing the customer, which is always at the center of our attention, to plan their daily activities in conditions of absolute tranquility.

Personalized Consultancy
Discover all the advantages of becoming an Esaote customer. Our consultants can guide you in choosing machinery, help you open the diagnostic center and show you all the benefits through dedicated financial instruments.

We offer a dedicated and continuous training service. Do you need to receive personalized training on the use of machinery or software? Contact us to make an appointment!

In this page you can find documentation related to all Esaote's products: brochure, leaflets, F&B, DICOM Conformance Statements (DCS) and the IHE Integration Statements in PDF (Portable Document Format) version.
Meet us
At Esaote, we value direct interaction between individuals and the empathy that comes with it. For this reason, our training includes a series of in-person events that will allow you to enhance your clinical practice by learning more about today’s cutting-edge methodologies, techniques and technologies.