Looking within and around ourselves: an infinitesimal – yet comprehensive – view of the world in which we all live.

The animal world puts us back in touch with our natural instincts and reminds us of just how complex and intricately interconnected our ecosystem really is. We strive to ensure the well-being and welfare of all living beings and the environment in which they live.

A unique sensitivity
Observing and listening to nature is the essence of everything we do. It takes the most advanced skills, tools and technologies to detect even the smallest signals from a living being’s body and translate them into precise, unambiguous, immediately understandable and useful information. In order to accomplish this, however, a unique sensitivity, an empathetic and unfiltered approach is not only essential but also inextricably linked to the knowledge that comes from being part of the natural world we are analyzing and attempting to explain.

Well-being, care, protection
Of nature, of which we are a part: animals are of paramount importance and put us back in touch with our natural instincts, reminding us of just how intense and complex our interactions with the world around us really are. We ourselves are animals, living creatures who are part of a single ecosystem.
For us, sustainability starts with making people feel good, not only those who work with us but also those who benefit from our work, and includes caring for all living beings and the precious ecosystem that we all live in. It encompasses both social and environmental sustainability, as we believe there is no real distinction between these two aspects.
Our people
We care about the well-being of our employees and are committed to ensuring equitable conditions by creating an inclusive work environment.
Let’s shape the future of veterinary medicine together
As part of a large community, we believe that care can only be provided effectively by combining our ideas and skills. It is for this reason that we are firm believers in communication, and we welcome the opportunity to establish relationships with technology partners and with those who, like us, care about the future of veterinary medicine.